I spent last weekend alone with Clara (8 months old), while my wife was taking care of her bigger twin-sister (Sofia is one minute older). My wife decided I had to brew a beer for the baptize party of the girls, so she texted me 'why dont you brew tomorrow, as you JUST HAVE ONE GIRL TO CARE?' So, after putting my daughter in bed, I grinded the malt and prepared pots and water.
It was an easy batch, a 1038 OG bitter with pale and 7% crystal, hopped at 27 IBU with Styrian Cardinal. I did a late hopping, hoping this hop is good and fruity enough.
Here the brewday story:
5:30 - Clara wakes up. I feed her with milk, she fell asleep. I went to the kitchen and turned the gas on.
5:45 - Clara wakes up again. I turn off the gas and go to try to let her sleep in the sleeping pillow, shaking her.
6:00 - I fail, so I bring her in the kitchen and start the mash while she plays and watches me.
7:15 - mash finished, sparge water ready, iodine test is red. I start the mash out. Clara still awake and playing.
8:00 - Clara feels sleepy, i put her in the sleeping pillow while sparging is going on.
8:15 - I decide to boil 3 liter less, do a concentrate brew and then dilute in fermenting tank. I measure pre boil OG to adjust the batch.
8:30 - hot break, the boiling starrs officially. The batch goes on smoothly, as Clara goes on sleeping. I wash and clean all mash equipment.
10:00 - end of 90 minutes boiling (a low OG needs more maillard reactions to enhance malty notes). Start cooling. Finish cleaning. I check from time to time if the girl still breathes.
11:00 - beer in the tank, oxigenated, and mangrove M36 yeast inoculated.
Don't try this at home, I was lucky my girl slept the great part of the batch. I will wait a couple of years at least to repeat a babysitting batch...